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Reflexology – Ancient System for Health and Stress Relief

January 04, 2018

Almost everyone loves a foot massage, but a foot reflexology treatment is so much more.

Reflexology can soothe your sore and aching feet, but is also health-restorative on a deeper level.

The ancient Egyptians are believed to have first practiced reflexology. Pictographs reflecting reflexology have been discovered in Egyptian tombs dating all the way back to 2300 B.C.!

Today, reflexology techniques have been refined by Asian and Indian cultures, and are practiced by massage therapists all over the world.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology focuses on improving health and relieving stress by manipulating key points on the hands and feet.

In reflexology, the hands and feet are believed to contain reflex points or zones, which correspond with different organs and glands.

A reflexology session works to open blocked energy pathways in these zones, and improve the functioning of the corresponding body systems.

While hand reflexology can be used, foot reflexology is the most practiced today.

What Can You Expect from a Foot Reflexology Session?

A reflexologist uses their thumbs, fingers, or a rounded instrument to apply light or deep pressure on each reflex zone in the feet, focusing on the problem areas.

Imbalances, injuries, or weakened areas in the body will produce tenderness in the corresponding reflex zones. These spots are often very sensitive and noticeable to your reflexologist.

Applying steady pressure to the correct spot is often followed by feelings of relief as the corresponding body organ area responds.

Most people notice more frequent elimination in the first 24 hours after a session as the body releases toxins and wastes that contribute to body imbalance and sickness.

The Many Benefits of Reflexology

Reflexology aids many problems, especially those related to pain orstress.

For example, people suffering from tension headaches or neck pain experience relief through regular reflexology on the zone in the big toe.

Women with menstrual cramps usually feel better after reflexology on the uterine/ovarian zone on the sides of the heel.

I personally have had good results with reflexology in full term pregnancy for delayed labor.

How Does Reflexology Work?

Science reveals reflexology helps the body heal by boosting production of alpha and theta waves associated with relaxation.

Because of this, reflexology is widely used with success to aid sleep problems, and mild anxiety or depression.

Reflexology also enhances immune defenses by stimulating lymph flow, encouraging better circulation, and elimination of toxins.

Reflexology is a great choice to accompany a gentle body cleansing program.

Here is a small sampling of research into reflexology’s other uses.

  • Relieves PMS. A study in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology shows women with PMS experience a 40% reduction in symptoms after reflexology treatments.
  • Normalizes menstruation. Early Chinese research finds foot reflexology is effective in 96% of cases of amenorrhea (absent period) studied as compared to 33% in the control group
  • Reduces headaches. In one study, 81% of patients reported that reflexology treatments helped relieve their symptoms.
  • Balances blood sugar. Reduces neuropathy. Studies suggest reflexology can help lower high blood sugar levels and reduce neuropathy symptoms in diabetes.
  • Aids cancer recovery. Studies show reflexology improves quality of life, and relieves pain and nausea caused by cancer and cancer treatments.

Round up

Reflexology is a readily available, non-invasive and safe therapy for the entire family. If you’re interested in trying it, find an experienced practitioner to work with in your area.

A session usually lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. Most people enjoy the tension release and relaxation a good session brings.

Reflexology charts are also available in natural food and book stores. Reflexology zones have been thoroughly mapped, showing you the pathway to using them for your health.

However, if you’re learning reflexology, be patient with your process. It can take time to pinpoint the right spots and experience the full benefits.



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  • Oleson,T. & Flocco,W. (1993, Dec.). Randomized controlled study of premenstrual symptoms treated with ear, hand, and foot reflexology. Obstetrics and Gynecology; 82(6), 906-11. Retrieved from
  • Page, L. & Abernathy, S.. (2011). Healthy Healing 14th Edition.
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  • Tsay, S., Chen, H., Chen, S., Lin, H., & Lin, K. (2008, March/April). Effects of reflexotherapy on acute postoperative pain and anxiety among patients with digestive cancer. Cancer Nursing, 31(2),109-115. Retrieved from
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