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Is Rebounding Good For Immune Health?

January 04, 2018

You may think trampolines are just for kids, but adults can enjoy and benefit from trampoline exercises, too. One of the benefits of rebounding is that it can promote healthy immunity.

Tumbling exercises have been practiced for hundreds of years, perhaps even longer. Drawings of what appear to be tumbling exercises have been found in ancient Egypt, Persia, and China.

Today, trampoline exercises are included as a summer sport in the Olympic games. They are routinely used to train astronauts to become conditioned to weightlessness in space.

Athletes like skiers, divers, gymnasts, and acrobats practice rebounding exercises for training and balance, too.

Rebounding as Exercise

Rebounding burns more calories than walking or jogging, and gives all of your major muscle groups a workout.

Springs and bungee bands in trampolines absorb most of the impact from bouncing, so it’s a great choice to give your joints a break.

Rebounding is excellent for runners whose knees and ankles need a rest.

Low impact rebounding exercises are also recommended by physical therapists in injury recovery.

Rebounding is strengthening to the entire body, and enhances endurance when practiced regularly. It tones the legs, hips, and thighs; and promotes heart health.

New research shows rebounding can even improve posture and balance, potentially reducing risk of falls in older people.

How Rebounding Works For Immune Response

Rebounding oxygenates the cells and stimulates the lymphatic system, encouraging the release of toxins that decrease immune response.

An overloaded lymphatic system is one of the causes of both poor immune response and low energy.

Overview of the Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is really a secondary circulatory system. It’s a network of tubing that drains waste products from the tissues and carries them to the elimination systems.

Lymphatic system health is critical to immune response. The lymph produces white blood cells and antibodies.

Special nodes along the lymph ducts work to remove pathogens before they can make you sick.

Swollen lymph nodes are usually the result of an overload of toxins that the lymphatic system can no longer keep under control.

The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, like the heart. The valves of the lymph system can keep lymph fluid flowing, but they depend on your breathing and muscle movement to drive them.

People with sedentary lifestyles often suffer from sluggish lymph flow, and therefore reduced immune response and energy.

Any type of exercise can improve lymphatic flow, but rebounding is one of the best types available. The vertical bouncing of rebounding smoothly opens and closes the valves of the lymphatic system.

This significantly increases lymph flow (some reports suggest by 15-30 times), and offers a healthy boost to immune response.

How Rebounding Can Work For You

Natural health practitioners have been recommending rebounding for health for many years.

It’s a widely accepted practice in natural cancer therapies, and for people with chronic colds, allergies, or other concerns where immune response is poor or imbalanced.

Rebounding can even help with chronic constipation by re-establishing peristalsis (smooth muscle contraction) in the gastrointestinal tract.

It also works wonders for weight loss, cellulite reduction, and respiratory system health.

You don’t need a big trampoline to rebound. A mini trampoline, which you can keep inside, works just as well. However, it’s important to avoid cheap brands, which could break or lead to accidents.

Start slow when beginning with rebounding. Just a few minutes twice a day is a good workout and helps to jump-start your immune system.

Work up to bigger jumps and longer sessions as you become more confident and strong.

As you gain experience, you can try jumping jacks, planks, and high knees on your rebounder.

Over time, you may find your whole body and health is transformed through this fun and simple type of exercise.


The Benefits of Rebounding and How To Do It Correctly. (2013, Nov.) Retrieved from Empowered Sustenance,
The Benefits of a Trampoline Workout and Rebounding. (2017).
Retrieved from Dr. Axe,
Makris, M. (2011, Jan). A Rebounder is the Best Exercise For the Immune System.
Retrieved from
Rebounding: Good for the Lymph System. (2017). Retrieved from Well Being,