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Therapy – When Do I Consider It & Where Does It Fit In?

January 04, 2018

You may reach a point in a self-care program when it’s time to explore therapy.

Try not to feel discouraged or defeated if this happens to you. It’s ok to pursue new avenues for support. Therapy can be very positive for your health and your entire life.

In fact, seeking out therapy could be the turning point to solving long-term conflicts and starting the healing process.

Is It Time for Outside Help?

Some issues cannot be solved by lifestyle and diet changes alone. Look for the following signs in your life that it may be time for therapy.

  • Ongoing problems at work or home related to your behavior
  • Experiencing raw or especially intense feelings that interfere with daily life
  • Drinking more alcohol or using substances to manage pain or emotions
  • Extreme sensitivity to stress
  • Struggling to make decisions or to be consistent with commitments
  • Experiencing early burn out with self-care programs
  • Depression and anxiety

If this sounds like you, you could have emotional issues holding you back from success. Therapy may be the missing piece to reclaiming your health.

Examples of Issues That Benefit from Therapy

Here are a few examples of issues that benefit from therapy. Most people experience a few of these in their lifetime.

Childhood or adult traumas

Give yourself a safe space in therapy to process any traumas. Holding on to trauma can literally make you sick, lead to self-defeating behaviors or even autoimmune disease.

Grief from a loss or losses

Grief is too heavy to carry alone. Allow yourself help to grieve the losses you’ve experienced, but haven’t processed.

Clinical depression or anxiety

Disorders like clinical depression or anxiety usually need outside help for long-term recovery. Situational depression and anxiety (such as from divorce or loss) also respond well to therapy.

Chronic pain

If you’re in chronic pain from an illness or accident, you may benefit from therapy to manage your feelings and frustration.

Chronic pain can alter personality, lead to depression, and affect decision-making.

Codependent behaviors, ongoing relationship stress

You can find out and correct what’s driving your relationship problems or codependent behaviors in therapy.

Low self-esteem

Are you struggling with negative self-talk? Do you feel unworthy of healthy changes? Do you struggle in social situations? You can find solutions to low self-esteem with a qualified therapist.

Family issues

Do issues in your family life continually cause stress or affect your health? Working with a counselor can help identify triggers that may need to be addressed for stress relief.

Addictions or alcoholism

If you continually turn to drugs and alcohol to relieve stress, you’ll need help and support for recovery.

Eating disorders

If you try herbs or other types of self-care without addressing an eating disorder, your success will be limited.

Work with a counselor experienced with eating disorders to learn how to nourish your body in a healthy way.

How To Fit Therapy in Your Self-Care Program

Take the first step by acknowledging that you need help and that it’s ok to get it. Then, take a deep breath and find the right type of professional for you.

Look online for resources on therapy. Review professionals and their references to find the right person. Some health insurance companies will find the right professional for you with a simple 800 call.

Support groups are another excellent option and are free. Most hospitals offer grief support groups where you can share with others experiencing loss.

Today, support groups are available for addictions, recovery from abuse, eating disorders, codependency, gambling, and much more.

As you move forward, create a plan and be consistent. Tell your therapist or support group what your goals are. Ask for honest input on what to expect.

Accept that you may face hurdles in your process, and make a commitment to stick with it.

While it’s up to you show up for appointments and meetings, you can ask trusted friends or family members to help keep you accountable.

Round Up

If you’re dealing with emotional issues that are affecting your health, don’t waste any more time avoiding them. Give therapy a fair chance.

Allow yourself the opportunity to experience the benefits and changes. Help is waiting for you. You’re worth it.


Eight signs you should see a therapist. (2015, Aug.). Retrieved from Huffington Post,
Smith, K. (2015, Feb.). 7 surprising signs you need therapy (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Retrieved from Bustle,