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Float Therapy Can Lift Your Stress Away

January 04, 2018

Today, most people are overloaded with information and stimulation all day long.

Many people spend much of their time away from their jobs watching news or politics on TV.

When they’re not watching TV, they’re usually engaging in social media, or are on their smart phones.

While it’s important to stay informed, a constant influx of bad news, screen time, and social media can perpetuate stress.

Add to that, tension from family issues or illness and your life may become the perfect storm.

For all these reasons and more, people are flocking to float therapy to relax today.

What is Float Therapy?

Float therapy, also called R.E.S.T. (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy), has been in practice since the 1950’s.

It’s a type of sensory deprivation therapy, which cuts out distractions, allowing you to simply float in a special tank.

Floating experts say in order to recharge, you must unplug and cut out excess stimulation.

Floating is a type of therapeutic bath, giving you a safe space to cleanse your mind and body.

Float tanks use special filtered water, saturated with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), that allow you to float effortlessly. The water is buoyant, protecting you from sinking and discomfort.

Some say the sensation in the float tank takes you back to the calm, weightless sensation of the womb.

In addition, float tanks maintain a consistent, moderate temperature, like that of your skin. Your body doesn’t have to work to adjust to temperature changes, like you would in a hot tub or sauna.

How Does Float Therapy Help You Relax?

Float tanks are private, kept quiet, and dimly lit. This helps you to maximize the experience.

While floating, most people meditate, focusing on breathing and the sensations in the body.

While it may be difficult to calm your mind and body at first, after a few minutes of adjustment, most people begin to deeply relax.

The combination of sensory deprivation and Epsom salts releases pent up stress. Without stimulation, the mind and body have no recourse but to relax.

Most people become so calm they actually fall asleep only waking when they’re alerted their session is over.

Benefits of Floating

  • Similar to massage and meditation, float therapy increases theta wave activity in the brain, associated with sleep and relaxation.
  • Floating decreases the production of stress hormones like cortisol, ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), aldosterone, and epinephrine, associated with increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and chronic stress.
  • Floaters experience less stress and anxiety, and the benefits sometimes continue long past their session.
  • Floating eases pain from headaches, injuries, arthritis and fibromyalgia. Magnesium in Epsom salts is a natural muscle relaxer that’s easily absorbed through the skin.
  • Float therapy can be a game changer for people with insomnia. Sensory deprivation therapy releases the mental and physical tension that causes chronic sleeplessness.

Float Your Stress Away

If you have the opportunity to try float therapy, I highly recommend it. Today, float tank centers are available in most cities.

If you’re concerned you might feel claustrophobic, you can keep your tank partially open.

Be assured that you will only be floating in about 11 inches of water. Your provider will be accessible if you need any help.

I believe float therapy takes finding your zen to a whole new level. It gives you a unique opportunity to disconnect from daily distractions and find a peace in a whole new way.



  • Cummings, F. (2015, Dec.). Five reasons to float in a sensory deprivation tank. Retrieved from Harpers Bazaar,
  • Daswani, K. (2016, March). 7 reasons why you’re about to fall in love with floating. Retrieved from Los Angeles Times,
  • Flotation therapy. (2017). Retrieved from Internal Wisdom,
  • Jenkins, B. (2017). Floating: It’s real. It’s good for you, and it’s not just for hippies. Retrieved from Breaking Muscle,
  • What is floating? Sensory deprivation benefits. (2017, June). Retrieved from Wellness Mama,